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by Joey Rodgers

Scripture: Hebrews 11:24-29
This content is part of a series.

Moses: A Liberating Faith (7 of 8)
Series: Im-POSSIBLE -Experiencing a Faith that Works
Joey Rodgers
Hebrews 11:24-29

Who here has watched - The Last Dance documentary on Michael Jordan? As I've watched, I was reminded of the 1992 Gatorade Ad ''Be Like Mike.'' Michael Jordan has seemingly been bigger than life. In Scripture, there is another man whose life and impact seem to be larger than life as well. In fact, you can be certain that in ancient Israel, every boy wanted to be like Moses!

The impact of Moses' life upon history is unquestioned. He is prominently mentioned in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Jesus mentioned Moses more than any other OT figure and, if you remember, met with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration! He was known as the friend of God...and yet, Moses killed a man, fled for his life and made some poor decisions at the end of his life that cost him entry into the Promised Land.

Which brings me to some very good news regarding faith - perfection is not a prerequisite for great faith!

In considering the life and ministry of Jesus, Jesus was constantly asking His disciples, ''Where is your faith?'' Why? It is b/c He was constantly seeing their faith fail - so He challenged them to believe!

AND yet, you see examples of GREAT Faith
- Four men who carried their paralyzed friend to Jesus, lowering him through a roof because of the overwhelming crowds, and then in Mark 2:5 we read that ''when Jesus saw their faith he said to the paralytic, ''Son, your sins are forgiven.''
- Centurion, a Roman, pagan leader of soldiers, asked Jesus to heal his servant...I am not worthy, just say the word...'' In all of Israel, I have not seen such great faith!''
- In Matthew 17:20 Jesus taught that even a little faith has the power to move mountains, for ''nothing will be impossible for you!''

There are so many examples of great faith in the Bible and down through history (possibly even your own personal stories of faith) yet today we are ...

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