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by Joey Rodgers

Scripture: Hebrews 11:31, Joshua 2:1-21
This content is part of a series.

Rahab and Saving Faith (8 of 8)
Series: Im-POSSIBLE -Experiencing a Faith that Works
Joey Rodgers
Hebrews 11:31 | Joshua 2:1-21

I read this week about a man walking on the beach who stumbled upon a strange looking lamp. Of course, he picked it up, and when he dusted it off, suddenly a genie appeared granting him a single wish in appreciation of setting him free. Caught off guard, the man said, ''Well, I've always wanted to go to Tahiti but I'm afraid to fly or go by boat. Could you build me a bridge from CA to Tahiti so I can drive there?'' The genie said, ''That's your wish! You know that's a lot of steel/concrete? There's nothing else you'd rather wish! The man thought for a moment and said, ''You know I've never understood women. Can you help me to understand how a woman thinks?'' The genie said, ''Do you want the bridge to be 2-lane or 4-lane?''

Speaking of women - as we continue our series on the facets of true faith from Hebrews 11, I want us to turn our attention to the faith of a gentile woman from Jericho by the name of Rahab - Rahab the rehab!

By faith the prostitute Rahab, b/c she welcomed the spies, was not killed w/ those who were disobedient.

Before we delve into Rahab's faith, let me remind you of the heart of this study. W/out question, the key element of the Christian life is faith - not only are we saved by faith, but we live each/every day by faith - actively trusting God for every step/breath we take.

Let me put it another way - for the Christian, there's never a time when God says it's okay for us to walk independently of Him in our own ability/ingenuity. Rather, in every way, every day, we're to walk trusting God w/ every fiber of our being, not leaning/trusting in our own wisdom/understanding - but in every detail of our lives, we're to acknowledge, depend, and put Him first - to allow God to author/direct our steps.

We do this by exercising/expressing faith as we abide in Christ by living under the influence of the ...

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