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by Ernest Easley

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:12-13

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Ernest L. Easley
1 Corinthians 12:12-13

As you're turning to 1 Corinthians 12, I want to ask you this question: Have you been baptized with the Holy Spirit? Have you experience Spirit-baptism?'' You say, ''Ernest, I'm not sure if I have or not. If I have, I'm not aware of it. Besides, aren't we Baptist and I'm not sure that Spirit-baptism is for Baptists?''

Well if you're not sure that Spirit-baptism is for Baptists, whom do you think it's for? Somebody says, ''It's for the Church of God and the Assembly of God people.'' So, are you telling me that to be a member of the Church of God or Assembly of God requires Spirit-baptism, but it's not required to be a Baptist?

Spirit-baptism may not be required to be a Baptist, but it is required for salvation

Let me ask you this: what do you know that the baptism of the Holy Spirit? Have you ever had a pop-quiz? There's nothing like walking into a classroom, finding your seat and the Professor walks in and says, ''Take out a piece of paper. We're starting today's class with a pop-quiz over last nights assigned reading.''

Even a True or False pop-quiz is challenging if you don't do your homework! So, take out a piece of paper. We're starting this study with a brief, True or False pop quiz. But don't worry, it won't count toward your final grade!

___ 1. Every Christian has been baptized by the Holy Spirit.

___ 2. The baptism of the Holy Spirit takes place after salvation.

___ 3. It is possible to be baptized by the Holy Spirit without being

filled with the Spirit.

___ 4. The expressions Spirit-baptism and Spirit-filled are used

interchangeably in the Bible.

___ 5. Spirit-baptism is often repeated in the life of a believer.

How do you think you did? Well, you're going to find out in a few minutes after we open God's word and see what the scriptures have to say about ...

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

1 Corinthians 12.12-13

''For just as th ...

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