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by Jerry Watts

Scripture: Joshua 1:1-8

The Way Forward
Jerry Watts
Joshua 1:1-8

When I was a kid, my dad's choice of automobile was a FORD. Our 1956 Ford was such a good car, that for 12 years, all we did was the normal service (oil change, spark plugs, and points). Man, it was a good car.

As the years went by, it seemed (dependent on who you talked to) that the quality of the automobile began to be questioned. So much so that, with the 21st Century came, Ford Motors found themselves struggling. (I could pause here and make the case that the Jesus' Church in the 21st century finds herself struggling, not because Jesus has lost His power and ability, but rather because of how we have attempted to reinvent first century Christian and Church). Back to Ford, in 2006, they announced their restructuring plan and called it, ''The Way Forward.'' In simple terms, what they wanted to do was reverse the recent trends in their company. What they did, was to evaluate every part of the business, NOTHING ESCAPED SCRUTINY. They dropped the things that had become unprofitable, discontinued inefficient models, consolidated some things, and even shut down seven assembly plants and parts factories. They embraced a new business paradigm.

They were driven by their goal which was to be the leader in the car industry, making the best car possible and keeping the business financially solvent. With the vast restructuring, their way forward was to turn loose of things they liked to do but were unprofitable and embrace a new way of doing things so that they could indeed financially thrive. They did it. It took 3 years, but they found their way forward.

The lessons learned by Ford as well as the lessons from the Children of Israel in our text today, speak to both to the church and individual.

These are unusual days. The pandemic has upset our hobby horse. America has lost her mind. Nothing feels certain any longer. Politics are center stage. The ugliness of this land has been laid bare.

It is into this milieu ...

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