Scripture: Matthew 4:12-14, Matthew 4:16-25
This content is part of a series.
Fishing With Jesus - Disciples Are Soul Winners (1 of 7)
Series: Discipleship: Be One Make One
Collin Wimberly
Matthew 4:12-25
Then - Jesus began his ministry by calling two sets of brothers to be fishers of men.
Now - Jesus calls his disciples today to be soulwinners.
Question - How can I be a fisher of men?
Key Word - ways
INTRODUCTION: Jens Overson was fishing for salmon in central Norway's Gaula River when he was swept way by a strong current. Kjell Wilhelmsen, 55, spotted the man's struggle. Wilhelmsen had fished the river for 25 years and knew where the current would carry Ovesen. He ran across a bridge, waiting as the current carried him downriver.
He later told a newspaper. ''He seemed paralyzed. Only his face and the tips of his boots were above water. I decided to start casting.''
His homemade lure hooked oversen's rubber waders on the first cast of about 10 yards. But Ovensen weighed nearly 250 pounds. Wilhelmsen used every trick he knew to reel in the big man without breaking his light line. He landed the half-conscious Dane and hauled him onto the shore. Oversen survived the ordeal.
He caught something much more important that salmon that day. He caught a man and saved his life.
This morning we are to going to discover that God has called us to be fishermen, but for something far more important that Salmon or a bass. He has called us to be fishers of Men. He has called us to be Soulwinners.
In fact, in this series on what it means to follow Jesus, to be his disciple, we will discover that being a disciple means be fishing with Jesus for the souls of those around us.
Turn to Matthew 4:18-22
Read the passage.
Will you be a fisher of men? Well you have to get in the boat, you have to go where the fish are, and you have to use the right techniques.
Vs. 18 - The sea of Galilee is 8 miles wide and 13 miles long. These men are about the business of making a living when Jesus comes by.
Th ...
Series: Discipleship: Be One Make One
Collin Wimberly
Matthew 4:12-25
Then - Jesus began his ministry by calling two sets of brothers to be fishers of men.
Now - Jesus calls his disciples today to be soulwinners.
Question - How can I be a fisher of men?
Key Word - ways
INTRODUCTION: Jens Overson was fishing for salmon in central Norway's Gaula River when he was swept way by a strong current. Kjell Wilhelmsen, 55, spotted the man's struggle. Wilhelmsen had fished the river for 25 years and knew where the current would carry Ovesen. He ran across a bridge, waiting as the current carried him downriver.
He later told a newspaper. ''He seemed paralyzed. Only his face and the tips of his boots were above water. I decided to start casting.''
His homemade lure hooked oversen's rubber waders on the first cast of about 10 yards. But Ovensen weighed nearly 250 pounds. Wilhelmsen used every trick he knew to reel in the big man without breaking his light line. He landed the half-conscious Dane and hauled him onto the shore. Oversen survived the ordeal.
He caught something much more important that salmon that day. He caught a man and saved his life.
This morning we are to going to discover that God has called us to be fishermen, but for something far more important that Salmon or a bass. He has called us to be fishers of Men. He has called us to be Soulwinners.
In fact, in this series on what it means to follow Jesus, to be his disciple, we will discover that being a disciple means be fishing with Jesus for the souls of those around us.
Turn to Matthew 4:18-22
Read the passage.
Will you be a fisher of men? Well you have to get in the boat, you have to go where the fish are, and you have to use the right techniques.
Vs. 18 - The sea of Galilee is 8 miles wide and 13 miles long. These men are about the business of making a living when Jesus comes by.
Th ...
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