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by Christopher Harbin

Scripture: Matthew 14:22-33
This content is part of a series.

Eyes on Jesus (36 of 52)
Series: Lectionary, Year A
Christopher B. Harbin
Matthew 14:22-33

I was never a great athlete. I lettered in track and field, but that was mainly for a lack of any competition. I tried out for indoor soccer and basketball in junior high and was passable, but never star quality. What I learned from my forays into sports was something about focus and attention. I repeatedly heard instructions to keep my eyes on the ball, as well to see the whole field of play. Focusing my attention where it needed to be was counted as a major challenge helping the players be and act like the team we needed to be to accomplish our goals. Why does it seem so hard for us as believers to keep our focus on Jesus and God's priorities for our living?

Distractions abound for us. There are all sorts of issues and problems screaming for our attention. My email inbox is full of cries for immediate responses, critical needs, and emergency requests for my time, attention, and resources. Everything is critical, it would seem. Every request has a rushed deadline asking me to come to the immediate help of some person, charity, or cause. As I read through the list of emails, however, I delete the vast majority without reading much more than the subject line or identifying the sender. Those pressing issues are simply not worthy of my time and attention. They are distractions to the issues on which I need to focus.

Jesus' life was likewise full of distractions and claims upon his time and attention. Last week's passage found Jesus trying to escape the crowds only to have them find him at the other side of the lake. He paused in his purposes to deal with them in compassion and mercy. He healed. He taught. He fed. Then he dismissed them, sending the disciples away in the boat while he went alone into the hills to pray. As the night was ending, he came upon the disciples again, walked upon the water amid the howling winds and lashing waves.

It was a very unexpecte ...

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