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by Collin Wimberly

Scripture: John 3:1-16

The New Birth
Colin Wimberly
John 3:1-16

CIT - Jesus tells Nicodemus that he must be born again in order to have eternal life.
Proposition - You must be born again through faith in Christ in order to have eternal life.
Question: Have you been born again?

Key Word: How

ILLUS: I have been present at the birth of all my children. Sometimes I was the first one to hold them. It is an awesome experience.

I have also been present many times when a person was spiritually born, or born again, born for the second time. Only this time it was not a physical birth, but a spiritual one. There is something holy and awesome about the spiritual birth of a person.

What does it mean to be born again?
Jesus explains the new birth to Nicodemus in this passage of scripture. He explains it so clearly that even a child can grasp it.

Have you been born again?

In this late-night encounter with Niccodemus Jesus will tell us who needs to be born again, what it means to be born again and how we can be born again.

To answer this question we need to find out what these verses tell us about this man. - vs. 1-2
Although Nic. is mentioned several times in the NT we know almost nothing about his family background. We find a lot about the man from these verses though. In many ways he represents everyone.

- HE WAS RELIGIOUS - He was a Pharisee - this means one of the separated ones. These were the religious conservatives of the day, as compared to the Sadducees. They were extremely accurate in matters pertaining to the law. They followed the law in its most minute details. Each Pharisee took a pledge in front of three witnesses that they would spend the rest of their life obeying every detail of the scribal law. They fasted, they tithed, they prayed, they attended the synagogue. They were religious.
Religious people need to be born again. Our nation has more people who claim to be religious than at any ot ...

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