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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Genesis
This content is part of a series.

Table Talks- Devotional (6 of 12)
Series: Table Talks
Donald Cantrell

In this portion of ''Table Talks'' you will find 30 devotionals, with a bible verse, a three point alliterated outline, and some informative commentary. I hope that these devotionals will give you some seed thoughts that will set a sermon ablaze in your heart and hopefully they will inspire you from day to day. I have already been touched in designing these devotionals and have created my own sermons from these delightful studies of God's precious and holy word.

June 1st

Gen 21:15 KJV - And the water was spent in the bottle, and she cast the child under one of the shrubs.

Hagar and Ishmael are now pushed into the wilderness of Beersheba, with some food and some water. In a bit of time, the water bottle became depleted and ran dry, have you ever been there? Things had just gone from bad to worse with Hagar and her son. It was bad enough to be wandering around in the wilderness, but now they were thirsty and in desperate need for water. The God that we serve is the God of water and he can supply it with minimal effort.

Have you ever taken your burdens and laid them down, assuming that you had done everything possible, but it was not enough? Hagar had gone as far as her flesh would allow, so she lays the boy down, hoping that she would not have to watch him die. She has been evicted, her bottle is empty, and her want is greater than her capacity, have you ever been there?

There will be times when God places us in times of dire and desperate situations, the key is this, how will you respond during those times? Hagar has come to the conclusion that this is it, her boy is about to die and she is not willing to have to watch this horrible scenario.

Hagar was merely obedient to her master and look where it got her, she obeyed and now she was evicted into the wilderness. I have been in the wilderness and there is nothing fun about being isolated from God and man. During ...

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