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by Jim Perdue

Scripture: James 2:14-18, James 2:20-26
This content is part of a series.

Real Faith in the Real World (6 of 14)
Series: James: When Faith Works
Jim Perdue
James 2:14-26


As we have studied the book of James on Sunday mornings, we are learning what it looks like When Faith Works. Today, we come to James 2:14-26 and we see what genuine faith looks like. I'm calling this message, Real Faith in the Real World. Here, James begins an important discussion on faith and works. This is an important theme throughout his letter. He wants us to know that real faith produces good works. And in this passage, he makes it clear on more than one occasion, ''Faith without works is dead!'' READ TEXT

What we do reveals who we are. Real faith will always result in real obedience. If you have the root of genuine faith in your life then you will see the fruit of godly behavior.

*Let me see if I can explain it like this: I like to wear the colors red and black. In fact, red is my favorite color. But the reason I like red and black is because I'm a big Georgia Bulldogs fan. That's my favorite team. Not only does that mean I like the colors red and black. But it also means that I don't really wear orange. Most of our rivals have some type of orange color in their uniforms so I stay away from orange as much as possible. Here's another example: if you opened up my truck you would see that I have camouflage seat covers installed over my truck seats. When you see that you might assume that I really like to hunt and fish and I do that a lot. Well, I do like to hunt but the real reason I have camouflage seat covers is because I have five children and whenever they spill something in my truck it blends in with the camouflage and you can't even see it.*

We all can make assumptions based on people's actions. And sometimes those assumptions might be true. Sometimes we might be jumping to conclusions. But James wants us to understand that genuine faith in Christ always leads to good works. Our works are evidence of our faith and our faith ...

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