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by Jason Dees

Scripture: John 1:35-51
This content is part of a series.

The Followers (3 of 3)
Series: 1 John
Jason Dees
John 1:35-51

Theme: In this sermon, Jason invites us to ''come and see'' who Jesus truly is, to find out what it really means to follow Jesus and how by doing so, Jesus changes us and grows us.

Our scripture reading for today comes from John 1:35-51.

The Word of the Lord

If you have been with us over the last two weeks, we have been chipping away at the first chapter of the Gospel of John. This first chapter is really packed with content. You can learn so much about Jesus and what it means to be a Christian just from this. I said a few weeks ago that the first 18 verses of John are really like this cataclysmic statement on the person of Christ. Last week, we looked at John the Baptist and how he reveals Jesus, but this week we begin to see how people engage with Jesus and begin to follow Jesus, and this is really important for us to talk about.

We are a people who identify. We find our identity in who or what we identify with, and you can learn a lot about us by how much we identify with things that are true about us or by how much we distance ourselves from things that are true about us. So, for example, because I went to Auburn, I identify with Auburn, and I am proud of that. I had a great experience at Auburn. I got a good education there. I like the reputation that Auburn has, so I wear Auburn shirts, go to football games, and talk about my experience there. It's part of my identity. But there may be part of your past that you have distanced yourself from. I grew up in Alabama, and I loved my childhood. It was a great time for me, but I have friends that didn't have such a happy childhood or that are not proud of some things that are true about Alabama politically or culturally, and they now live in other parts of the country or world and rarely go home. Part of their identity is how much they have distanced themselves from their upbringing.

The same is true with Christians. I love the Lo ...

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