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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Genesis
This content is part of a series.

Table Talks- Devotional (1 of 12)
Series: Table Talks
Donald Cantrell

In the past, I had the pleasure to write a devotional book ''Jewels' for the Journey.'' It was a 365 page book that gives the reader a three point alliterated outlines a small devotional commentary, self evaluation opportunities, and a quote. This book is available on Lulu Publishing and through WordSearch Bible Software.

Recently I was talking to one of my good friends, Mike Weaver, who is a pastor in Alabama, and an avid reader, who asked me to write a book on bible characters. I had already been considering writing another devotional, so here we are.

I remember growing up and going to my grandmother's house. We would go there every Sunday and spend the day, one of the great things about those days were the stories. We would sit around and listen to all of their stories about growing up on a farm and how they worked, how they played, the things that they loved to do and all of those ''night time haunting.''

My grandmother lived out in the country and nearly all of her children would show up either on Saturdays or Sundays, the kids would place, while the adults would either sit outside on her porch, in her living room, or around the table. She had two kitchens, one where the adults sat and one where the kids sat.

My grandmother was an awesome cook, I can still envision her pan of biscuits, she packed those things in the pan and they were divine. There were times when she would make chocolate gravy and it literally melted the biscuit and eating that mixture was beyond words, it was literally glorious to a scrawny country boy.

As the day began to wind down, we would all make our way to where the adults were and they were often telling stories. In those days we did not have cable television, nor did we have cell phones, or even video games. Those days were much simpler and the world was not as fast paced.

There was nothing any better than sitting and hearing abou ...

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