Christian MVP's (5 of 8)
Series: Boundless
Craig Smith
Philippians 2:19
Welcome to Mission Hills, so glad to have you with us today. We're in the midst of our Boundless series, working our way through the book of Philippians to discover the secret to living bigger than our circumstances. And one of the clearest teachings of Philippians is that the secret to living bigger than our circumstances is having a purpose that is bigger than our circumstances...a purpose that is too big to be derailed by our circumstances.
Now there's good news and bad news. The good news is that, as followers of Jesus, we have a purpose that is bigger than our circumstances...a purpose that is too big to be derailed by our fact, as we've seen over and over again already, it's a purpose that can be accomplished by our circumstances no matter how difficult those circumstances might be. And what is that purpose? Our purpose: become like Jesus and join him on mission in the world. That's our purpose as followers of Jesus and that purpose is bigger than our circumstances. That's the good news.
The bad news is that a purpose that's bigger than my circumstances is also bigger than me. Why is that bad news? Because it cuts against the grain of what sin and our culture has taught us, which is that it is all about me. Right? That what sin says: it's all about me? That's what caused the Fall in the first place, right? Genesis 3:4:
4 ''You will not certainly die,'' the serpent said to the woman. 5 ''For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.'' (Gen 3:4-5)
See all the ''you'''s there? Sin is deeply self-centered. And our culture has cemented that self-centeredness so much that it has even invaded our understanding of the Gospel itself. The American ''gospel'': Jesus died for you, so that you can be forgiven of your sins so you can go to heaven when you die. And on the surface ...
Series: Boundless
Craig Smith
Philippians 2:19
Welcome to Mission Hills, so glad to have you with us today. We're in the midst of our Boundless series, working our way through the book of Philippians to discover the secret to living bigger than our circumstances. And one of the clearest teachings of Philippians is that the secret to living bigger than our circumstances is having a purpose that is bigger than our circumstances...a purpose that is too big to be derailed by our circumstances.
Now there's good news and bad news. The good news is that, as followers of Jesus, we have a purpose that is bigger than our circumstances...a purpose that is too big to be derailed by our fact, as we've seen over and over again already, it's a purpose that can be accomplished by our circumstances no matter how difficult those circumstances might be. And what is that purpose? Our purpose: become like Jesus and join him on mission in the world. That's our purpose as followers of Jesus and that purpose is bigger than our circumstances. That's the good news.
The bad news is that a purpose that's bigger than my circumstances is also bigger than me. Why is that bad news? Because it cuts against the grain of what sin and our culture has taught us, which is that it is all about me. Right? That what sin says: it's all about me? That's what caused the Fall in the first place, right? Genesis 3:4:
4 ''You will not certainly die,'' the serpent said to the woman. 5 ''For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.'' (Gen 3:4-5)
See all the ''you'''s there? Sin is deeply self-centered. And our culture has cemented that self-centeredness so much that it has even invaded our understanding of the Gospel itself. The American ''gospel'': Jesus died for you, so that you can be forgiven of your sins so you can go to heaven when you die. And on the surface ...
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