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by Lenny Ports

Scripture: 2 Chronicles 7:14
This content is part of a series.

Healing for the Nation (12)
Series: Re-Visions
Lenny Port
2 Chronicles 7:14

I went to the doctor this week and she prescribed a medication for an infection I have. When I took the medicine, it made me feel sicker than before. It was the wrong medicine for my issue. I thought about the movie, ''It's a Wonderful Life,'' when young George Bailey was working for the pharmacist who was putting the wrong medicine in the capsule because he was drunk. Young George Bailey stopped him because it would have killed the person it was going to. What America needs more than anything right now is HEALING. Our country needs Jesus the Great Physician and to receive the right medicine for healing. Rioting and looting is not the right medicine to bring healing to our land. We need what Jesus prescribes.

2 Chronicles 7:14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. (NKJV)

When I think about where we are right now as a nation, it is nothing like what God had intended from the very beginning. God's plan for America was that we would be ONE NATION UNDER GOD, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. When I started to write my message for this week, I began to write down how the handprint of God was on Israel to show the world what it means to be a nation under God, a nation that would be a beacon of light to the Gentile nations. And then I wanted to compare Israel to our nation, until I realized that even in the foundational stones of this country, there was the sin of racism. You might say, ''no, Pastor Lenny, our founding fathers were all men of God.'' Let me help you with something for a moment. Giving our lives to Jesus gives us eternal life at the moment we believe and confess that Jesus is Lord, but there is a transformation that begins at the moment of salvation that takes place over time.

It is much easier to turn a Jets ...

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