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by Lenny Ports

Scripture: John 20:21
This content is part of a series.

The Gift of the Holy Spirit (11)
Series: Re-Visions
Lenny Ports
John 20:21

Good morning and Welcome to Encounter Online. Today is what is known as Pentecost Sunday. Across the globe today, Christian churches and organizations are celebrating the day that the New Testament church was birthed. We rejoice that what started 2000 years ago is still going! The church is still thriving, growing, and advancing throughout the world by the same power that was poured out on the church on the day of Pentecost - the Power of the Holy Spirit.

When Jesus began to talk to the disciples about the Holy Spirit, He told them that He would be with them and in them. That He, the Spirit of truth, would guide them into all truth. That the Holy Spirit would bring to their remembrance everything that Jesus told them. But then after the resurrection of Jesus, everything started to shift. The focus shifted from the Holy Spirit being with them to comfort and to bring truth to the Holy Spirit empowering them to be the church - to be the extension of Jesus in the earth! In one incident, Jesus comes to His disciples after His resurrection and says this to them:

John 20:21 Again he said, ''Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.'' 22 Then he breathed on them and said, ''Receive the Holy Spirit. (NLT)

This is interesting because the Hebrew word for Spirit is RUWACH which means BREATH OF GOD. When God breathed into Adam, he became a living soul. When Jesus breathed His breath into the disciples, they came alive with the very life and power of God in them! Then Jesus told them right before He ascended to the Father:

Luke 24:49 (ESV) And behold, I am sending the promise of my Father upon you. But stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.''

So, Jesus breathed IN THEM and then told them that the Holy Spirit would come UPON THEM. Jesus told them to go and wait for what was promised and God poured His Spirit out on the disciples on th ...

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