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by Lenny Ports

Scripture: 1 Samuel 30:1-8, 1 Samuel 30
This content is part of a series.

You Will Recover (9)
Series: Re-Vision
Lenny Ports
1 Samuel 30:1-8

Mother's Day just passed, and I was so blessed to do the broadcast with my beautiful wife of 34 years last week. I hope you were blessed by it too. My mom used to love to bake and she used to make this plum cake with crumbs on the top. In German, it was called flaum cuchen - plum cake. But with the bottom cake part and then the plums on top of that and then the crumbs on top of that, it had to be baked perfectly. It had to come out of the oven when the cake was baked on the bottom without being burnt, and the crumbs on the top had to be baked all the way through to hold their consistency and the plums in the middle were soft but still a bit juicy. I AM GETTING SO HUNGRY TALKING ABOUT THIS!

My point is that the delicious plum cake had to be fully baked in order for it to be served.

WHAT GOD IS ALLOWING IN THE EARTH TODAY HAS TO BE FULLY BAKED BEFORE IT CAN COME OUT OF THE OVEN. Underneath everything that we are reading about, hearing about, conspiracy theories, and evil motives of people, WE MUST STAY IN PRAYER. WE MUST TRUST the Lord, because HE IS BIGGER, He is greater, He is stronger, He is wiser, His plan is better. We serve a GOD who is above it all.

There is a purpose in the delay. The cake isn't fully baked yet.

- People are realizing their need for God.

- The church is coming out of her slumber and sleep.

- The world is turning to the Savior.

- The church is tuning into the voice of God.

Just when we thought we cannot take it any longer, we realize we can. Just when we feel we are going to lose it all, there is grace (which is strength from God) to keep going. Just when we think we are on the brink of disaster, there is hope.

There is a particular story that I want to share with you today from the life of David. King David of the Old Testament. David - the one who killed the giant Goliath and who was prophesied and anointed to be the next king of Isr ...

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