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by Palitha Jayasooriya

Scripture: Psalm 91

Psalm 91: Hope in Troubled Times
Palitha Jayasooriya
Psalm 91

Introduction: With the Coronavirus sweeping across almost all borders, fear and anxiety has gripped hearts around the world. No one seems safe anymore and everyone is searching for methods of protection. In times of crisis however, the children of God, as it has happened right through history, can find encouragement and comfort through the promises of God. One such passage people often turn to for comfort is Psalm 91. As I look at social media today, I find many people sharing either the entire passage of Psalm 91 or at least parts of it, to strengthen others. Through this article, I would like to share my thoughts as well regarding this beautiful Psalm.

Background to Psalm 91: Most of the 150 Psalms recorded in the Bible have a clearly defined author. Some of the authors are David, Solomon, Moses, Asaph, Korah, Heman and Ethan. However, some of the Psalms don't have such a clearly defined author and interestingly, one such Psalm is Psalm 91! The NIV Study Bible in its notes says, ''It was probably written by one of the temple personnel (a priest or Levite) as a word of assurance to godly worshippers''. Isn't it amazing that the author of such a beautiful portion of scripture is unknown.

To Consider:  As the author wrote the words of the Psalm under the anointing and guidance of the Holy Spirit, he probably never dreamt of what would happen. That it would bring great comfort to literally thousands and millions of people through the passage of history, and to thousands more, facing a deadly virus in 2020! This should encourage us to know that anything we do for the Lord, no matter how insignificant it may seem at present, can touch many, many lives, not just for the present, but for future generations as well. So, during this difficult time, let's do all we can to bless others, under the guidance of God's Holy Spirit. Who knows how much impact it will have!

Notes on Psalm 91: This Psalm o ...

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