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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: Romans 6:3-6
This content is part of a series.

BAPTISM of Jesus (1 of 3)
Series: Rescued
Jordan Easley
Romans 6:3-6

Today we're kicking off a brand-new series that will culminate on Easter weekend. Over the next 3 weeks, I want to encourage you to lock in and do your very best not to miss a single message. And by the way-don't just GO to church during this season-BE the church!

Keep serving one another-keep sharing with others the hope you have in Christ-keep being faithful and keep sharing these services with the people you're connected with online-and God may just use that act of obedience in a powerful-life-changing way!

If you have your Bibles-Romans 6 [Pray]

Why do we do the things we do?
Why do we clap our hands after a song? Why do we shake hands with people when we see them? Or better yet... why did we used to shake hands? Why do we say ''God bless you'' after someone sneezes?

There are so many things we just... DO... and many times we don't even understand WHY we do them.

In the church, I think BAPTISM is one of those things. If you are a regular church attender and you've been in church your entire life, maybe baptism doesn't seem weird... but put yourselves in the shoes of someone brand new to church. A million questions have got to be going through your mind...

Today, we're going to attempt to answer a few of those questions:


[Romans 6:3] says, 3 Or are you unaware that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?

Right off the bat, we see that BAPTISM IS ALL ABOUT JESUS. It says, ''all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus.''

So, the foundation of baptism is the foundation of Jesus... and when a person is baptized, they are identifying themselves with Christ.

They're saying, ''I believe in Christ. I have a relationship with Christ. I've been saved by Him... forgiven by Him... redeemed by Him... I've connected myself to the person of Jesus Christ.''

Baptism is a visual illustration that connects you ...

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