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by Jordan Easley

Scripture: Luke 24 , Acts 2
This content is part of a series.

All Because of Jesus (3 of 3)
Series: Rescued
Jordan Easley
Luke 24 and Acts 2

I heard a story about a man that went on vacation to the Middle East with is wife and his mother-in-law, and like many men, the relationship with his mother in law was a little complicated at best.

During their vacation, while they were in Jerusalem, something tragic happened and his mother in law passed away. They met with the American Consulate and was told that they had 2 options: First-They could ship the body back to the United States, but it would cost them $5,000. But then he was given a second option. He said, ''You could just bury the body here in the Holy Land, and it'll only cost you $150.

After thinking through their options, the man quickly decided he would pay the extra money and ship the body back to the States. The Consul, after hearing this was shocked. He said, ''You must love your mother in law A LOT if you're willing to spend $5,000 to ship her back... instead of just paying $150 and being done with it here.''

The man responded and said, ''No, that's not it at all... In fact, the reason I'm doing it is because I heard a story about a man that was buried here in Jerusalem a long time ago... and He resurrected from the dead! ...I'M JUST NOT WILLING TO TAKE THAT CHANCE!

Can I just tell you today... that Jesus is alive! He didn't stay in that grave. Like they told them in [Matthew 28:6], ''He is not here. For he has risen, just as he said.''

That's why Easter is the greatest celebration on our calendars today. It's because NATIONS come and nations go... KINGDOMS rise and Kingdoms fall... LEADERS live and Leaders die... But only one thing is for certain and will never change... and that is... JESUS IS ALIVE. HE has risen from the grave... and He is here today!

Paul said in [1 Corinthians 15:2-4 NIV], ''By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. For what I received I pass ...

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