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by Steve Jones

Scripture: Matthew 5
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Obey Mourn (2 of 8)
Series: Obeying the Beatitudes
Steve Jones
Matthew 5

Introduction: We're in a sermon series entitled ''Obeying the Beatitudes.'' That's taken from Jesus' Great Commission. Currently we're studying the eight statements of blessing known as the beatitudes. ''Beatitude'' comes from the Latin root word for ''Happy.'' Jesus is telling us how to live the happy, blessed, joyful, abundant life. The one we will study today seems truly oxymoronic.

An oxymoron is a two-word contradiction, like ''bittersweet.'' Let's take a test. See if you can complete these oxymoronic phrases:

''Jumbo S_______ (Shrimp),'' ''Deafening S_________ (Silence),'' ''Act N_________ (Naturally),'' ''Passive A__________ (Aggressive),'' ''Random O_________ (Order),'' ''Government I__________ (Intelligence).''

The beatitude for today is ''Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted'' (Mt.5:4). If this were boiled down to a two-word contradiction it would be ''happy/sad'' as in, ''How happy are those who are sad.'' How are we to make sense of this? Where is the blessing? The blessing is in the COMFORT.


Pr.25:20 ''Singing cheerful songs to a person with a heavy heart is like pouring vinegar in a wound.''

In this beatitude Jesus is not denying the reality of the grief, sorrow, loss and pain that we experience in mourning, he is acknowledging it. I'm glad for that. I'm glad that just because we're Christians we don't have to pretend that everything is sweetness and light when it so obviously isn't.

Job. 14:1 ''Life is short and full of trouble.''

- Some of us may be mourning the loss of our health. We live with chronic pain. We have prayed for relief and relief hasn't come.

- Some of us may be mourning the death of a marriage by divorce. It's not what you wanted. It's certainly not what you anticipated when you said ''I do.'' But it's what happened and your heart is broken. By t ...

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