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by Steve Jones

Scripture: Matthew 5
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Obey Mercy (5 of 8)
Series: Obeying the Beatitudes
Steve Jones
Matthew 5

Mt.5:7 Blessed are the merciful for they shall be shown mercy.

INTRODUCTION: (Begin by TRYING to read the beatitude with goofy glasses on). Oh, sorry, I'm struggling to read and understand this scripture because I have the WRONG LENSES. (Now read the verse correctly).

Jesus often criticized the religious leaders of his day because they had the WRONG LENS. They read their Bibles (the Old Testament) through the lens of what they THOUGHT God wanted: a scrupulous adherence to keeping the letter of the law. As a result, they were full of Bible knowledge but they missed the message.

For example, after Jesus called Matthew, a despised TAX COLLECTOR, to be one of his disciples, Matthew invited Jesus over to his home for dinner. Doctors have doctor friends, lawyers have lawyer friends, so what do tax collectors have? That's right, tax collector friends. ''Along with other DISREPUTABLE sinners,'' the Bible says. Mt.9:11 ''Why does your teacher eat with such scum?''

Sorry, IRS agents - that's the Pharisees talking, not me. It was their religion that prompted the question. They believed that pure religion avoided the company of such people. Notice the answer, ''Jesus said, 'it's not the healthy that need a doctor-sick people do. But go and learn what this means, 'I desire MERCY and not sacrifice''' (Mt.9:13). Jesus is arguing that the PRIMACY of MERCY is the theological lens through which we are to read, grapple with and understand scripture.

This still happens today. It's one reason why we religious types, as well-meaning as we may be, sometimes major in minors. Because we don't understand what God really wants - he wants MERCY.

Micah 6:8 ''He showed you oh man what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To do justly and to LOVE MERCY and to walk humbly with your God.''

To seek the kingdom first means we must LOVE mercy. We can't just put mercy to the periphery ...

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