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by SermonSearch Staff

Scripture: 2 Chronicles 16:9

Mother's Day, COVID-19, and Prayer
SermonSearch Staff
2 Chronicles 16:9

Good morning and Happy Mother's Day! Today we are going to be looking at a central aspect of the Christian faith, and to be real, a very central aspect to being a Mother. Prayer!

Let's pray.

A teacher gave her class of second graders a lesson on the magnet and what it does. The next day in a written test, she included this question: ''My full name has six letters. The first one is M. I pick up things. What am I?'' When the test papers were turned in, the teacher was astonished to find that almost 50 percent of the students answered the question with the word Mother.
Happy Mother's Day! As I was thinking about Mother's Day and the task, the difficult task mothers have in raising children, caring for children, thinking about children, being concerned for their children, my mind immediately goes to the necessity of prayer. Am I right?! 

I think of the mother's need of speaking with God and relying on His strength. His power. His wisdom. His insight. His patience. His forgiveness. His leadership in order to parent well. 

There was a woman who lived 300 years ago who had a hectic life, with ten children, a husband who was a pastor and traveled often, (thus alone with her children a lot) and yet embodied a commitment, a zeal, a passion to find her strength from the Lord alone, Susanna Wesley.

Susanna Wesley
Susanna Wesley was born in 1669 and died in 1742 at the age of 73. She was the youngest of, wait for it, 25 children. You heard me correctly, 25. She was the mother to 17-19 children, with ten children surviving. From that alone, she knew and understood grief. With 10 children and a traveling husband, she also knew chaos. Of the 10 children, 2 of them would impact this world in a significant way for Christianity. Susanna was the mother to John and Charles Wesley. 

John Wesley is the founder of the Methodist denomination. Charles Wesley was a leader in the Methodist movem ...

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