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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Ezekiel 16:14

Matriarchs Molding Men and Maidens
Donald Cantrell
Ezekiel 16: 14

Mother's Day Sermon

Eze 16:44 KJV - Behold, every one that useth proverbs shall use [this] proverb against thee, saying, As [is] the mother, [so is] her daughter.

I - The Stunning Statement Describing Mothers

II - The Societal Censors Defaming Mothers

III - The Spectacular Stories Depicting Mothers

IV - The Scriptural Standard Defining Mothers

V - The Special Salute Dignifying Mothers

Theme: ''The glory and greatness in being a godly mother''

Let us look at four short stories about the majesty of being a mother:


On the first day of first grade, I stood by the front door with butterflies in my stomach. I voiced my biggest concern to my mother: ''How will I make friends?'' Crouching in front of me, she handed me advice I carry with me to this day: ''Be Switzerland.'' Be friends with everyone. Treat everyone equally and fairly. For all of my 20 years, I have lived by these words. Soon I will graduate and become a part of the real world. And on that first day, nervously facing new responsibilities, I know I will whisper two words to myself: ''Be Switzerland.''
Abigail Wortman


''Mommy, you are a fairy,'' I said. My mother laughed like tinkling bells. ''I am serious, Mother. You know everything.'' ''My child, I try to answer as best as I can. When you grow older, you will not need me,'' she said. ''No, Mom, I will always need you. Nothing can change that,'' I said. Her words echo in my heart as I look at the blue sky: ''Dear daughter, nothing remains the same except the vast blue sky.'' It has been ten years since I lost my fairy. Mom, you were wrong about one thing: I still need you.
Saman Rahman


My mom had a great sense of humor and a knack for making everything fun. One thing that resonated with me, even as a small child, was how much she seemed to enjoy her own company and found ways to ent ...

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