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by Mike Stone


Mama's Pay-Day
Mike Stone
Exodus 2:1-2:10

A man bought his mother a bird for $35,000. The bird could sing Frank Sinatra songs, quote the 23rd Psalm, and speak 7 different languages. He had the bird shipped to his mother as a Mother's Day gift. On the evening of Mother's Day, he called his mom to ask how she liked the bird. His mother said, ''It was a little tough but otherwise delicious.''

That mother obviously didn't realize what her son had given her. The reality is, life is almost always just the opposite. Most of us fail to realize the great gift we have received from our mothers. Abraham Lincoln said, ''No man is poor who has a godly mother.''

The Bible tells us about a number of very special women in the Bible who were good and Godly mothers. Hannah prayed for Samuel. Mary was the mother of the Lord. Eunice taught Timothy the Word of God.

Today we study a mother who made it into ''Faith's Hall of Fame.'' Hebrews 11 tells us about a mother who was filled with faith. Her faith journey is recorded here in Exodus 2 although we don't know her name until Exodus 6. There we learn that her name was Jochebed. Her name literally means ''The Lord is my glory.''

Her husband's name was Amram. Her father was Levi. She had a daughter named Miriam, a son named Aaron, and grandsons named Nadab, Abihu, and Gershom. But we study her today because of the faith she demonstrated in the birth of her most famous son. For Jochebed was mother to preeminent prophet of Israel, a true Messiah-figure for the people of God...a man named Moses.

It's important to understand that Moses is both the human author and the subject of this text. He is moved by the Holy Spirit to forever enshrine his mother in the pages of the Bible. In so doing he writes, in part, about Mama's Pay-Day.

Our message will incorporate some of chapters 1 and 3. But we are primarily in the opening of chapter 2. Let's read verses 1-10 together.

Several years ago, did a study to inves ...

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