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by Scott Maze

Scripture: John 13:1-20
This content is part of a series.

The Best of Us Can Serve the Least of Us (2 of 5)
Series: When Jesus Says Amen
Scott Maze
John 13:1-20

Good morning to our both NRHBC and Cross Church family who are joining us online. A special welcome to those of you who are guests joining us as well.

Of course, there is no substitute for gathering together in person. How I wish I could shake your hand to meet you face to face! The encouragement we receive from one another and the prayer support cannot be manufactured online. But, I am so grateful to our technology team for providing this online opportunity! I am also mindful that we have persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ around the world who risk their lives to gather for worship weekly. So we do not want to become used to meeting online rather than in person but surely, the online experience is a temporary need for most of us until the virus dissipates. Even though a virus can keep us out of our buildings for a while, there is no virus that can stop the church from being the church. Amen?

Church Response

We are three items to assist our community in this time of need.

1) We are asking you to donate food and hygiene products to our either of church offices and the Community Enrichment Center for people in need - and
2) I have asked our each of our leaders from our respective Bible Fellowship Groups to pair you off with another person/family.

The purpose of this to check on one another weekly until the crisis in averted. Remember some people are isolated and need to someone to talk to during this time. Please be sure that the vulnerable have the food and the medicine they need. If you need food delivered, don't call Doordash, call the church office as we can help. Call our church offices for assistance as I am hearing stories of people delivering groceries to those who cannot get out.

3) If you would like to volunteer, you can do by going to our volunteer web pages.. So this morni ...

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