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by Lenny Ports

Scripture: 1 Kings 19:11
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3 Q's for Quarantine (5)
Series: Re-Vision
Lenny Ports
1 Kings 19:11

It is that time when we are all starting to feel it. Things are sinking in and the new norm is becoming a reality. We can easily become nervous, antsy, fearful, restless. Too much information. Too many voices. Too many opinions. Too much noise. Too much gloom and doom. While the science labs are trying to develop a vaccine for this virus, we need a different kind of injection. We need an injection of HOPE. So, I have come to you with means to get there today. 3 Q's for the quarantine. LET US PRAY.

1. Quiet down.

There are 2 ways to quiet down, one is to quiet down the noise around us, and the other is to quiet down the noise within us. The world we live in is strange. Many people like to tune out the noise around them by putting in their ear buds and creating their own noise. In this technologically driven age that we all live in, we have lost the simplicity of being quiet. We have forgotten how to slow down long enough to notice things that are much more important that what is and who is on social media. Our primary ''society'' is found on a computer screen or on a smart phone. We have been brainwashed into busyness, slowly deluded to ignore the important things right in front of our faces. The people around you matter. God put them in your life, and He put you in their life for a reason. One of the issues that is being exposed to us is how much we put ourselves and our wants first, before others. There are so many needs in our community, nation and world. Ventilators, masks, gloves, medical staff to name a few. There are hurting people all around us, but I believe we are being quieted down long enough for God to show us the importance of every person, every life.

We are also being confronted as a nation and as individuals with our need for God. So many questions, so many things out of our control, and so many unexplainable things are causing people to consider God again. His is ...

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