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by Jim Perdue

Scripture: Psalm 3:1-8

Is There Any Hope?
Jim Perdue
Psalm 3:1-8


Today, we continue our series, Psalms for the Season. Find Psalm 3 in your Bible and you'll discover David is running for his life from his own son, Absalom. In fact, that's the inscription right above the psalm, ''A Psalm of David, when he fled from Absalom his son.'' And I want to ask you this question, a question that most likely David asked as he was on the run. A question that you have asked, I have asked, and most likely everyone has asked at one point or another: Is There Any Hope? READ TEXT -- PRAY

*On December 17, 1927, the Navy submarine S-4 was conducting submerged trials off Provincetown, Massachusetts. As the sub surfaced, a Coast Guard destroyer rammed her and penetrated the hull. The sub sank immediately in 110 feet of water. All of her officers and men were able to reach unflooded compartments. However, 34 of them, who had gone to the rear, soon died. In her torpedo room, forward, six men remained alive. In extremely cold water and tangled wreckage, Navy divers worked desperately to rescue the survivors. An approaching storm made the divers even more frantic. The divers tapped on the hull and were able to communicate with the survivors by Morse Code. As the trapped men used the last of available oxygen in the sub, a diver placed his helmeted ear to the side of the vessel and received this Morse-coded message: ''Is ... there ... any ... hope?''

Have you ever felt hopeless? Have you ever felt like you had more problems that you could count? Have you ever felt like the flood of pain and heartache was more than you could handle? Ever felt like you were drowning in your sorrows? Have you ever wondered if there really was hope?

David wrote this psalm while running for his life. But he still knew that God was his protector and sustainer. And I want God's people to know that you can have hope despite your circumstances because God is greater than your circumstances. There are no ...

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