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by Jim Perdue

Scripture: John 14:27
This content is part of a series.

New Peace (2 of 3)
Series: All Things New
Jim Perdue
John 14:27


*Something got my chickens...and I'm not over it yet! We bought a place just a few miles from here with a little bit of land. And on that land, I put a chicken house. We had some dear friends in TN who gave us a few chickens several months back - two hens and a rooster. We were getting a couple of eggs everyday and the rooster would crow every morning. That's the way it's supposed to be. Then, one day, one of the chickens didn't come to the coop to roost. She was gone. The only thing left was a few feathers. Then, the next week the rooster disappeared. And just a few days after that, our other hen was gone. I don't exactly know what got my chickens because I didn't see it. But I have a sneaking suspicion that it was a cruel and heartless winged animal we call a hawk. Now, hawks are a federally protected species because the government has no sense...I mean because at one time they were endangered. But look around, they're not endangered anymore. And they're eating pretty good too...I'm pretty sure recently they've had fried chicken. Something got my chickens and I'm mad! Jesus says, ''be angry and sin not.'' I've got the ''be angry'' part down pretty good! I feel like something has encroached upon my territory and stolen one of the family...or at least stolen my scrambled eggs. The last thing on my mind is peace. I'm ready to go to war!*

But Jesus says that when we belong to God, we get His peace. Does that mean that I no longer want to avenge the death of my chickens? I'm not sure. But it does mean that we will have supernatural peace in the midst of the circumstances of life. That's exactly what He says in John 14:27. READ TEXT

*If I gave you a chance to describe your life, your family, your marriage, or you job in one word, what would that word be? Would it be ''peace''? We have four children, ages 8, 6. 4, and 2. Do you know what we call our house? We call it Beaut ...

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