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by Jim Perdue

Scripture: 1 Peter 1:3-5
This content is part of a series.

New Hope (3 of 3)
Series: All Things New
Jim Perdue
1 Peter 1:3-5


*Have you ever been disappointed? I don't mean the ''Middle School, my boyfriend broke up with me'' disappointed. Or, ''the Bulldogs lost the SEC Championship by 5 yards'' disappointed. Or, the ''I didn't win my bracket in the March Madness tournament'' disappointed. Or even the, ''I thought a new episode of Duck Dynasty was coming on'' disappointed. I mean, have you ever been really disappointed. So disappointed that you became discouraged. And so discouraged that you became despondent. And so despondent that you became depressed. Have you ever faced a situation when you felt like there was no hope?*

Sadly, many people live in hopelessness. I think we would be shocked to know how many people walked into this worship center this morning feeling like there's no hope.

But I've got great news for you. If you place your hope in God, you will not be disappointed. I don't mean you'll never face hard times. I don't mean that life will never let you down. I don't mean that you won't have bad days.

But the Bible tells us that true hope ''does not disappoint.'' In other words, if you place your hope in God, you will not be disappointed. Every promise He made is true. Everything He said would happen will definitely happen. If you place your hope in God, He will not disappoint you. READ 1 Peter 1:3-5

Part of our problem is that we don't understand what the Bible means when it says ''hope.'' *The story is told of a great, never-say-die general who was taken captive and thrown into a deep, wide pit along with a number of his soldiers. In that pit was a huge pile of horse manure. ''Follow me,'' the general cried to his men as he dove into the pile, ''There has to be a horse in here somewhere!''*

That's not even the ''hope'' the Bible talks about. In our world, ''hope'' is a desire for something better. Or a wish that something would happen. In the Bible, the word ''hope ...

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