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by Jonathan McLeod

Scripture: Romans 5:12-21
This content is part of a series.

What Adam Did, Jesus Undid (15 of 26)
Series:Romans:The Gospel of God
Jonathan McLeod
Romans 5:12-21

Therefore, as one trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all men (v. 18).


Have you ever had to undo something that someone else did?

My wife is a hairstylist by trade, and there have been times when she's been asked to undo a mess someone has made with their hair. Maybe they used a do-it-yourself hair colouring kit and turned their hair green. Or their child was playing with scissors and cut a chunk out of their hair.

In Romans 5:12-21, the apostle Paul tells us that by one act Adam brought great harm to the human race. But Paul goes on to share the good news: what Adam did, Jesus undid.

[Read Romans 5:12-21.]


Death is a universal problem that has brought tremendous sorrow into the world. Humanity as been able to prolong life through medical science, but eventually all people still die. What is the biblical reason for death? In verse 12 we find the answer: ''sin came into the world through one man [Adam], and death through sin'' (v. 12).

God had warned Adam, ''Of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day you eat of it you shall surely die'' (Gen. 2:17). Adam's sin is called a ''transgression'' (v. 14) and a ''trespass'' (vv. 15, 17, 18) because it was ''a willful violation of a known law.'' What kind of death did Adam bring into the world? Paul probably means both physical death (separation from the body) and spiritual death (estrangement from God).

''So death spread to all men [i.e., the entire human race] because all sinned'' (v. 12). Why do all people die? ''Because all sinned.'' But what does that mean? There are three views concerning what ''all sinned'' means.

1. ''All sinned'' means imitation of Adam's s ...

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