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by Jonathan McLeod

Scripture: Romans 8:1
This content is part of a series.

No Condemnation! (23 of 26)
Series: Romans:The Gospel of God
Jonathan McLeod
Romans 8:1

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (v. 1).


I remember watching the NFL Network's Super Bowl LI edition of Sound FX. The Patriots are losing 28-3 in the middle of the third quarter. A Patriots' victory appears highly unlikely. But one thing that stood out to me was Patriot's wide receiver Julian Edelman telling teammates, ''It's gonna be a [heck] of a story!''

Edelman ended up being right. Super Bowl LI did become ''a [heck] of a story'' for the Patriots. They ended up winning the game 34-28. The Patriots' 25-point comeback is the largest comeback in Super Bowl history.

In the book of Romans, the apostle Paul says that every single one of us is a sinner. We have broken God's law. We are guilty. And there is absolutely nothing we can do to take away our guilt.

It looks very bad for us. But ''where sin increased, grace increased all the more'' (5:20, NIV). The gospel is an amazing story!

[Read Romans 8:1-13]


We are free from condemnation. But does that mean we're free from obligation (i.e., obeying God's commands)? Look at verse 13: ''If you live according to the flesh you will die [eternally], but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live [eternally].''

According to verses 1 and 13, there is-for the believer-freedom from condemnation, but there isn't freedom from obligation.

- Does ''no condemnation'' mean that we are absolutely secure in Christ?
- Does the warning ''If you live according to the flesh you will die'' mean that we have to ''earn our keep''?


''There is therefore now n ...

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