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by Tim Melton

Scripture: Psalm 139

God Will Never Abandon His Children
Tim Melton
Psalm 139

On December 7, 1998 there was an earthquake in the northwestern part of Armenia. It was estimated that 25,000 people died. In one small town a father survived the earthquake and immediately ran through the streets to the school where his son had been attending class.

Once he arrived he saw a pile of rubble in the place where the school had once stood. He figured out in what area his son might had been when the earthquake occurred. He then climbed up on the pile of rubble and started digging. After an hour or two others began to call out to him, telling him how hopeless it was and that no one could have survived. They told him to come down off the pile but he ignored their pleas and he kept digging. He dug for 4 hours, 8 hours, 16 hours, 24 hours, 36 hours, and finally at the 38th hour he heard voices coming from the rubble.

He called out to his son. ''Armand! Is that you?'' ''Yes, father, we are okay!'' Armand and 12 other students were tucked away in a small space that had protected them. Armand yelled to his father, ''I told them that if you were alive that you would come save me and if I was saved then they would be saved as well. You promised me that you would be there for me if I ever needed you, and you did it father, you really did it!''

That is a great story that describes an earthly father, but how much greater is this truth when it can be said of our heavenly Father. The Father will always come for us. He always hears and always comes to the aid of his children. We see it throughout scripture. He sent Moses to deliver His people from slavery in Egypt. He sent the Judges to deliver His people from their enemies. He sent the prophets to call His people back to Him. He at times even sent angels to assure His people of His presence. All of these were types of the true Deliverer, Jesus Christ, who would come to deliver God's people completely and eternally.

Today is Palm Sunday and a ...

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