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by Ernest Easley

Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2:13-16

How to Survive the Pandemic Panic
Ernest L. Easley
2 Thessalonians 2:13-16

In this worldwide pandemic that is currently sweeping and shaking our world, we need a fresh word from God and here it is in three words:

There is hope!

In fact, more than simply having ''hope,'' friend we have a ''good hope.'' And it's that ''good hope'' that I want to talk to you about today as we learn ...

''How to Survive the Pandemic Panic.''

Take God's word and turn with me to the book of 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 where we find the Apostle Paul writing to a group of believers living through a time of great persecution and affliction. In fact, he tells them in chapter 1.4, '' ... we ourselves boast about you among God's churches, about your perseverance and faith in all the persecutions and afflictions that you are enduring.''

This word translated ''afflictions'' (/) speaks of pressure or distress due to your circumstances. This word is used to describe the pressure placed on grapes in a press; it speaks of sufferings due to your circumstances.

We're living in a historic time in which the historians and filmmakers are taking copious notes. There will be documentaries produced describing the Pandemic of 2020 that will be shown in High Schools and Colleges and Televisions across America for years to come.

But for us going through it, we're living history in the making. In just a matter of weeks, we've learned new phrases and practices such as: social distancing and shelter in place and stay at home orders. We've watched in amazement as convention centers are being turned into makeshift hospitals and trucks used for transporting frozen goods are turned into makeshift morgues. Our American Flag is now flying at half-staff indefinitely.

Handshaking is out, elbow bumps are in and parents with school age children are faced with the reality that they don't know how to do 5th grade math!

For you parents that have spoken negatively over the years about homesc ...

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