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by Jim Perdue

Scripture: Psalm 23:1
This content is part of a series.

To Meet My Needs (1 of 6)
Series: God Is Enough
Jim Perdue
Psalm 23:1


I am thrilled to begin a new series this morning on Psalm 23. This is probably one of the best-known and best-loved passages of Scripture in the entire Bible. Whatever you think about Psalm 23, by the end of this series I want you to remember one thing: God Is Enough. That's the title of this series. God is meet my needs, to give me rest, to guide my steps, to calm my fears, to heal my hurt, and to secure my future. God is enough! So, when we're finished with this series, my hope is that when you hear Psalm 23, it will remind you of the complete sufficiency of Jesus Christ. He is enough!

Today, we start with Psalm 23:1, and the subject for my sermon is, God is Enough...To Meet My Needs. We'll read the entire Psalm but focus on the first verse today. READ Psalm 23:1-6

Do you really believe that God is enough to meet your needs? We can say, ''Amen'' to that on Sundays, but the reality is, we struggle with truly believing this. You know why I say that? Because we worry all the time about all sorts of things. When you worry, it means you think God can't handle what you're facing. You don't think God can meet your needs.

*A University of Michigan study discovered some interesting facts about fear and worry: 60% of what you worry about is unwarranted; 20% of what you worry about is already past, it is over and done with; 10% are issues so petty that it is foolish to worry about them; 4%-5% are justifiable concerns, but there is nothing you can do about them; only 2% of what we fear or worry about is legitimate.*

*I can remember no long ago, driving through a very dense fog. I couldn't see a thing. I couldn't see the taillights in front of me, the cars around me, or anything beside me. As I drove through the mess, I remembered something that I had read about fog. Did you know that if you take a dense fog that is one hundred feet deep and covers seven ...

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