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by Jim Perdue

Scripture: Psalm 23:3
This content is part of a series.

To Guide My Steps (3 of 6)
Series: God Is Enough
Jim Perdue
Psalm 23:3


This morning, we continue our series through Psalm 23 entitled, God Is Enough. God is meet my needs, to give me rest, to guide my steps, to calm my fears, to heal my hurt, and to secure my future. God is enough! So, when we're finished with this series, my hope is that when you hear Psalm 23, it will remind you of the complete sufficiency of Jesus Christ. He is enough!

Today, from Psalm 23:3, the subject of my message is; God is Enough...To Guide My Steps. And no doubt, we need guidance as we maneuver through this sin-cursed world. We need a shepherd who will lovingly care for us and guide our steps through this life. READ TEXT

*The spring of 2009 marked the twentieth anniversary of the Tiananmen Square protests in China, which culminated with the Tiananmen Square massacre on June 4, 1989. During that tragic event, hundreds of protesters were killed and many more severely injured as the Communist Chinese government sought to crush the democratic uprising among students and other political dissidents. Minister, writer, and former Moody Bible Institute president Joseph Stowell has told the story of meeting a Chinese man who was a young university student at the time of the massacre. As one of the thousands who bought into the dream of the democracy movement, he said, ''All of our hope and faith and trust was placed in the conviction that we were going to take over the nation and make it a democratic society.'' But when Chinese troops killed the protesters and put down the rebellion, it destroyed their dream. For countless Chinese people their one hope for a better life was shattered. As a result, thousands of distraught Chinese students committed suicide. Their despair was so overwhelming that they believed nothing left to live for. They no longer had a purpose; they had no direction in life. This young Chinese man was no different. Looking for answers, ...

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