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by Jim Perdue

Scripture: Psalm 23:5
This content is part of a series.

To Heal My Hurt (5 of 6)
Series: God Is Enough
Jim Perdue
Psalm 23:5


This morning, we continue our series through Psalm 23 entitled, God Is Enough. God is meet my needs, to give me rest, to guide my steps, to calm my fears, to heal my hurt, and to secure my future. God is enough! So, when we're finished with this series, my hope is that when you hear Psalm 23, it will remind you of the complete sufficiency of Jesus Christ. He is enough! READ TEXT

*A dog named Spot had been frequently beaten by its master. One day Spot was wandering down the street when a boy picked up a stick to play fetch with him. When the dog saw him pick up the stick, it took off running with its tail between its legs. Although the boy just wanted to play, the dog had been conditioned to associate the stick with pain. The beatings as a puppy programmed Spot to assume that all people were out to hurt him. After we've received a few ''beatings'' from others, we'll start viewing everyone with suspicion. We assume they have an agenda to hurt us, so we react by running away. Sore spots make us run. Although others may not intend harm, we misjudge their motives because we view them through wounded glasses.*

This world has a way of beating us all up from time to time. There is simply no avoiding it. We are connected to mothers, fathers, siblings, children, best friends, husbands, wives, coworkers, pastors-and all of these relationships have the potential to strengthen and bless us. But they also can cause us pain-whether intentionally inflicted or not. We all struggle with this part of life. We get hurt and then we hurt other people. Often it isn't the hurt itself that does the greatest damage, but rather how we respond to it.

The truth is, if we're not careful, we allow our hurts to turn into bitterness. If we don't take our hurts to the Good Shepherd they turn into burdens we were not intended to carry. READ Hebrews 12:15

*Are you familiar with the ...

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