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by Mike Stone

Scripture: Isaiah 6:1-8

A Call in Crisis- A Pastoral Response to the Corona Virus
Mike Stone
Isaiah 6:1-8

Whenever there is a crisis, one of the first things that happens is the phone rings. The doctor calls with bad news. The sheriff's department calls with bad news. Your friend calls with bad news.

I heard about a man who was an artist. One day he received a call from the art gallery where his paintings were on display on consignment. The gallery owner said, ''I've got good news and bad news. Good news: I told a customer today that the value of your paintings would skyrocket after you died. And the man bought every one of them! The bad news: He was your doctor.''

As a pastor, I have had many times that my phone has rung in the middle of the night. Of course, when the call comes at 2am or 3am, it's never good news. If it's not a wrong number, it's bad news. It's a crisis.

The nature of crisis almost invariably means that someone is going to get a call.

For the last few weeks, it seems as if the world is in crisis. The Corona Virus has taken the world by storm and our own community has not gone untouched. Our church has not gone untouched. Your family has not gone untouched. Your job has not gone untouched. Your 401K has not gone untouched.

Some may argue about the nature of the crisis. Is it real or is it hype? If you read social media or watch the news you might think this virus is just a bad head cold. Others think it's nigh to the bubonic plague.

Whatever your opinion, it doesn't change the facts. We are in a crisis. Today, I want us to talk for a few moments about a call that is being made as a result of this crisis. But it's not coming from the White House, the state house, or even the local court house.

In this case, it's not even a call you need to make. It's a call you need to answer. It's the call of Almighty God coming from the throne room of heaven.

As we gather in our homes and places of business, by ourselves or with our family, I want to bring ...

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