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by Mike Stone

Scripture: Hebrews 13:8

A Changeless God in Changing Times
Mike Stone
Hebrews 13:8

In the last two weeks, it seems like everything has changed. Two weeks ago, I preached that morning on the widow giving her two mites. That evening I preached on Jeremiah going down to the Potter's house. We had Monday night visitation and our Wednesday night activities.

I spoke that evening to our 2 youngest AWANA groups. I led in a simple evangelistic lesson...and I told all the boys and girls I would see them Sunday in worship.

But thanks to the Corona Virus, Sunday came...but Sunday services did least not in a corporate sense.

And that's just a little taste of all the changes.
2 weeks ago, school was in
2 weeks ago, the stock market was up
2 weeks ago, professional sports were in full swing
2 weeks ago, you could find toilet paper at the store

The events of the last few weeks confirm that Henry David Thoreau was right when he said, ''Nothing endures but change.'' Change is the only constant of the human experience.

It is against that backdrop of constant and continual change that the writer of Hebrews tells us that our Lord Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

In less than 10 words the inspired writer speaks of what we call the immutability, or unchangeableness of Christ.

In less than 10 words we read about the only real constant in our human experience.

In less than 10 words we see what theologian A.W. Pink called, ''These words are a most glorious message which is designed to set the hearts of God's children at perfect rest, allay their fears of uncertainty, strengthen their faith, and cause them to look forward to the future with confidence.''

For man, change is inevitable. He cannot ''not'' change.
For God, change is impossible. God cannot change.

1. There will never be a change in His character (8)

The God of Scripture has never had any alterations, additions, or amendments. The One true and living God has never had a variatio ...

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