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by Mike Stone

Scripture: Mark 4:35-41, Mark 4

The Master of the Sea
Mike Stone
Mark 4:35-41

We sing about storms in our worship.
I was sinking deep in sin far from the peaceful shore.
Keep me safe til the storm passes by.
Jesus is a rock in a weary land, a shelter in the time of storm.

We speak about storms in our witnessing. When people give a testimony they will often speak of a storm in their life. In fact, many salvation testimonies hinge on a time where the winds of life were blowing and the waves of life were crashing.

We study about storms in the Word. Psalm 107:28-30 - ''Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble and He brought them out of their distress. He caused the storm to be still so that the waves of the sea were hushed. Then they were glad because the seas were quiet and He guided them to a quiet port.''

Then there is this text. Recorded in the synoptic gospels it is a marvelous picture of Christ's power over natural storms.

The miracles you find in the gospels, including this one in Mark, are given for the purpose of showing that what Christ can do in the natural realm, He can do in the supernatural realm. He cleansed the leper to reveal He can cleanse hearts from the stain of sin. He healed the man with withered hand to show He was Lord of the Sabbath

And in one of the best-loved miracles of Mark's gospel, Jesus healed the paralytic who'd been lowered through the roof as evidence that He had the power to forgive the man's sin. And here, He calms the storm on the sea to demonstrate His power to calm the storm in His saints.

1. The Case of the Storm (35-37)

The Bible records this actual storm in the life of Jesus. And there is much here we can learn about the storms in our lives.

A. Storms are inevitable

NEWSFLASH: You are going to encounter storms!

You say, ''I've never had a major storm in my life.''
I say, ''You've been very blessed!''
I also say, ''Just wait a little's coming!''

Some preachers will suggest that when you were saved yo ...

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