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by Jim Perdue

Scripture: Psalm 84:5-7
This content is part of a series.

What To Do In The Valley (2 of 3)
Series: Fear-Less
Jim Perdue
Psalm 84:5-7


This morning, we're in our second sermon in a series I'm calling Fear-Less. I don't mean to imply that we can be 100% fearless until we get to Heaven, but we all can learn to trust more and fear less.

This is an unusual time isn't it? I don't think I had ever heard the phrases, ''social distancing'' or ''self-quarantine'' until a few weeks ago. Every week, on Monday, I look at the calendar for my family and delete events. I'm removing baseball games, softball games, gymnastics, a spring break vacation, and so much more. Like you, I've watched the news but I try to only look a little bit. I don't set up camp in ''newsland'' I just make a quick pit stop here and there. I've watched the stock market and I'm about sick of the roller coaster. I'm praying you're staying safe and healthy and I'm thankful that we can gather together through the means of online technology. No, it's not the same. Id much rather gather in person but I'm thankful we can gather in this way. I'm praying for those of you who have already been affected by this crisis. I know some of you have been laid off, your hours have been cut back, or your worried something might be coming. This is definitely a valley.*

The valley can be a metaphor for a time of difficulty or struggle. I'm pretty sure I don't have to explain it to you. We've all been in the valley. David even talks about the ''valley of the shadow of death'' in Psalm 23. Now, we're in a valley; and the whole world is in the valley with us.

What can we learn from the Word of God when we find ourselves in the ''valley?'' READ Psalm 84:5-7 Let's learn a few lessons about what we should remember when we're in the valley.

The valley tests our faith: ''whose strength is in You...''


The reality is when we walk through difficult and dark days, sometimes it tests our faith. *The loss of a spouse or a child, the diagno ...

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