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by Brian Fletcher

Scripture: Psalm 102:1-2, Psalm 102:11-12, Psalm 102:25-28, 1 Corinthians 15:55-57

How does the Gospel change the Coronavirus?
Brian Fletcher 
Psalm 102:1-2, Psalm 102:11-12, Psalm 102:25-28, 1 Corinthians 15:55-57

First, let's look at what we do know about the Coronavirus:

1. it is a respiratory illness that can spread from person to person
2. symptoms include fever, cough, shortness of breath and can lead to pneumonia
3. in order to not get it you must avoid people who have it or have been exposed to it
4. there is currently no vaccine or anti-viral drug to combat the virus only experimental drugs
5. people suffer mild to severe sickness with best estimates that 3% of those who contract the virus will die

This is a serious illness that is creating a significant amount of fear and anxiety, it's impacting our economy at large and financial hardship for many families.

But let's take a look at the Coronavirus through the LENS of the gospel. So the gospel tells us:

1. God is holy, just, perfect, righteous, steadfast in love, that He is merciful, gracious and kind and that He works all things together for His own glory and will.

2. It also tells us that all of mankind, every single one of us has rebelled against God, choosing to live our own way, apart from Him. The Bible calls this condition, sin and it has catastrophic consequences for us and the world. 

3. Not only do we face the judgment of death for our sin but our physical world is corrupted as well. Sickness, floods, famine, disasters in nature, disease and viruses like Covid-19 are caused by the entrance of sin into the world. 

4. But because God is steadfast in His love and generous with His grace and mercy, He has created a way for sin to be dealt with.

5. God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to live a sinless life that we could never live, to die as a substitute for us to take away our sin. And then Jesus did not stay dead, but rose from the grave to prove His power of sin and death.

6. Jesus now sits at God's right hand and reigns over the ...

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