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by Joey Rodgers

Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:7

Use Me - Being the Hands/Feet of Jesus
Joey Rodgers
2 Timothy 1:7

Good AM Church family/online guest. I think few of us could've imagined our lives changing so rapidly over this past week - but it has. It's my hope/prayer that we are remaining calm/optimistic in spite of the fact that our stores are being ransacked for TP.

W/out question, we're in unprecedented times. Never could I have imagined churches moving to online services while cancelling ministry event/programs for the good of the whole - and yet there's never been a more critical time for us to trust in the Lord and to minister His love/grace.

But let's be upfront/honest. We have no idea what the next few days/weeks might hold for us, but we can be certain our Sovereign Lord hasn't been taken by surprise by any of this and that He's still on His throne.

Over this past week, likely as you have, I've been met w/ the extremes of an ultra-conservative response to the virus to an ultra-apathetic. Personally, I believe prudence w/out hysteria is a most reasonable posture.

As I've been praying about this AM, my mind has continually been drawn to 2 Timothy 1:7 -

For God has not given us a Spirit timidity (fear), but one of power, love, and self-discipline.

In this text, Paul is encouraging his young protégé in the faith as he begins his ministry in Ephesus. Timothy was facing the challenge of leading a large church in a hostile, anti-Christian city under Roman rule.

In this encouragement, Paul reminds Timothy that no matter his earthly circumstances, God will not leave him powerless to accomplish His missional mandate. He reminds him that his calling is dependent not on his abilities/ingenuity, but on the H.S. His job was to live under the influence of the H.S. in surrender/obedience.

Lest we forget, no one can successfully live the Christian life under their own power. This is why God deposited His H.S. into our lives when we received Him as our Lord/Savior at salvation.

Don ...

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