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by Tim Melton

Scripture: Matthew 22:37-40

Coronavirus and Our Emotions
Tim Melton
Matthew 22:37-40

Good morning. We have now completed our first full week of quarantine with the Coronavirus, here in Madrid. Most of us have spent our time trying to figure out the new normal. The new normal of working from home. The new normal of parenting while being with our kids all day. The new normal in our marriage, being with our spouse all day. The new normal with our finances. I think for most of us there is a lot of emotion in it. Not just stress and pressure about the virus and our health concerns, but compounded by parenting, marriage, work, finance and health all coming together. It is definitely squeezing each of us. The question is, when life squeezes us, what comes out? The truth is that whatever is in us, comes out. The virus and the quarantine are the circumstances that are squeezing us, but our emotional response can only be credited or blamed on the condition of our hearts.

When we think about emotions one question that often comes to mind is ''are emotions good or are they bad?'' Great things have been done in our world driven by emotions. At the same time, wicked things have been done in our world driven by emotions. In reality, emotions in themselves are not totally good or totally bad. When we look at scripture, we see that God created us with emotions. God has emotions. Jesus had emotions.

In one moment, we rejoice in the praises of God, but later our same heart will rage with anger against our mate or children. At times emotions are a mystery. They control us and at times even ruin us. If God gave them to us then there must be a way for us to honor God with our emotions. But how? This is a really broad topic but in these few pages we will at least gather some biblical ways of thinking about emotions.

We are all emotional beings. When studying the Bible we don't see one specific chapter that talks completely about emotions, but we do see emotions all throughout scripture. God's Word t ...

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