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by Lenny Ports

Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:7
This content is part of a series.

A Vision of Victory (2)
Series: Re-Vision
Lenny Ports
2 Timothy 1:7

We have been deployed! We've been in boot camp and we've been in training. And it's all for this very purpose. We are on the precipice of unprecedented times. And this is our time. This coronavirus issue has created a global hysteria riddled with fear. Everything is shutting down in an attempt to stop the spread of this pandemic. I understand God has called us to be wise and to not put ourselves in harm's way, but God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). We don't pray to get the victory. We pray knowing we have it.

Sid Roth, a well-known and well-loved Messianic Jew shared a story recently on You Tube. In the story he shares of a Messianic Rabbi who wrote a letter on March 7, 2020 to President Trump after receiving a prophetic word from God. In it he wrote to the President, ''in the midst of this growing panic and fear and economic turbulence, God says, 'call a national day of prayer.' This will not cause panic but relief and assurance. A call for a national day of prayer for God to protect your people. Recall you have been given the role of national steward and shepherd to the people of America. As you call for a national day of prayer, you will invoke the name and power of God while releasing the anointing of heaven that came with your ascendancy to the office. Ask God to protect our country and its people openly and boldly. God has revealed to me that as you call a national day of prayer, God will stop this in its tracks. Allow me to repeat this, God will stop it in its tracks. The economy will begin to get lift and buoyancy again. Panic and fear will recede. God has given you this greatest gift as countries will witness this miracle, you will bring healing to our nation, and America will be like a stream in the desert, an oasis, an international honor for what you have done.''

On March 13, just two days ago, President Tr ...

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