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by Mike Stone

Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:7

A Biblical Response to Fear- A Pastoral Word about the Corona Virus
Mike Stone
2 Timothy 1:7

I heard about a little boy whose Mama asked him one night to go get the broom off the back porch. But it was dark and he was afraid. So he didn't want to go outside to get the broom. She told Him God was everywhere which meant God was also on the back porch. The little boy fearfully opened the door just a tiny bit. He whispered through the small opening in the door and said, ''God, since You're already out there, would You mind handing me that broom?''

It's safe to say that little boy was afraid. We expect our children to be afraid. They can be afraid of the dark. They can be afraid of the doctor. They can be afraid of monsters that supposedly live in the closet.

I remember as a little boy I had watched an old black and white horror movie without my parent's permission. Months later when I still couldn't sleep at night I had an idea as to why they may have not wanted me to watch that movie. But as we grow older we often find that years don't make the fears go away. We just get fearful over different things.

It is important to note that there are different usages of the word ''fear'' in the Bible. The Bible speaks of the ''Fear of the Lord as the beginning of wisdom.'' And in Matthew 10:28 Jesus said we should not FEAR the one who can kill the body but rather we should FEAR the one who can send the body and soul to Hell.

So all ''fear'' is not bad. It depends on how you use the word. To be clear, I'm not describing legitimate concern but illegitimate anxiety and worry. It's this latter kind of fear, the sinful kind, that Paul addresses in this power-packed verse to young Timothy.

2 Timothy 1:7 - For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Fear can come from a lot of places and a lot of sources. Fear can come from circumstances. Challenges with our health, our finances, or a relationship. Fear can be a ...

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