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by Scott Maze

Scripture: Psalm 139

God Bigger Than My Fears
Scott Maze
Psalm 139

Good morning to our church family who are joining us online. A special welcome to those of you who are guests joining us as well. Of course, there is no substitute for gathering together in person and I wish I could shake your hand to meet you face to face. The encouragement we receive from one another and the prayer support cannot be manufactured online. Though, I am so grateful to our technology team for providing this online opportunity, I am mindful that we have persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ around the world who risk their lives to gather for worship weekly. So we do not want to become used to meeting online rather than in person but surely, the online experience is a temporary need for most of us until the virus dissipates.

Who would have through that a little microbe from China would be able to stop the mighty American economy? Surely, we are realizing just how fragile we are right now. We need a big God for times of crisis. As children are isolated from public schools, many of us are working from home, and we are seeing huge runs on grocery stores, let's remember the greatness of God. Surely, there is a spectrum of feeling afraid to a full onset panic. While many of us are not in the latter category, we are feeling remarkably tense and concern at this time.

In the next few moments, I want you to get a glimpse of the greatness of God during times of fear. When I feel a need to panic, there's reason for hope. God is an Almighty God.

1. Hope in God's Power

When your life seems out of control, God wants you to know of His power. When you feel like a pinball bouncing from one trouble to another and you are powerless to stop, God wants you to know of His power. When your social media feeds is simply one event after another being cancelled, know that there's hope in Almighty God.

In fact, one thing we are told to pray for other believers is that each of us know more of God's power in ...

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