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by Josh Malone

Scripture: Philippians 4:2-3, Philippians 4:5-9

Peace Over Worry
Josh Malone
Philippians 4:2-9

Hi friends, thank you for tuning into this brief message today. This has been a crazy weeks, with things escalating very quickly due to the Coronavirus or COVID-19. We've seen major sports cancelled or postponed, school closures, the President declare a state of emergency, and of course many churches not having in person services this Sunday. It's a unique time certainly in my lifetime.

- This virus is serious business. We cancelled our normal 10:45 AM service to do our part to flatten the curve of the virus. We are simply trying to be good neighbors as we help join the fight against this virus. We certainly don't make a decision like that lightly. The gathering of God's people each Sunday is an incredible thing to take part, and God's will for us. It's good for us and glorifies God. - So this is an unusual happening, not the norm, and in these times we glorify God and serve others by helping flatten the curve on this virus.

The President of the US has called for today to be National Day of Prayer. At the end of our time together I'm going to lead us in a prayer, and then as we finish I'm going to ask you to pray where you are with your family or whoever you may be watching with.

Before that though I want to share a brief message with you from God's Word. We need the Bible, we need to hear God speak. The Word of God is extremely relevant to everything in life... and this is no different.

Something many people across our nation ... and the world are struggling with right now... is worry, anxiety. - This virus and the circumstances brought by it... have many very anxious.
BTW... We should address this virus seriously. As believers we know though we are not to live in FEAR and WORRY but FAITH. At the same time we don't walk in FOOLISHNESS but WISDOM.

Those of us who are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ have a responsibility I believe to model for others what to do with our worry, our anxiety. ...

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