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by Dave Gustavsen

Scripture: Isaiah 41:10

Coronavirus 2020: A Time to Choose
Dave Gustavsen
Isaiah 41:10

Good morning and welcome.

This is a great reminder that when we say the word ''church,'' we're not talking about a physical location or a building. The church is group of people who are following Jesus Christ together. And I'm not just talking about The Chapel. Today, we join hands (sanitized hands) with every gospel-preaching church in the world, and we declare that we are the church. And even though a virus can keep us out of our buildings for a while, there is no virus that can stop the church from being the church. Amen? So this morning, no matter where you are, I hope you feel that sense of unity and fellowship. You are a part of something very special.

This has been a strange time. The news has changed constantly; it seems like every five minutes, something else is shutting down. And it's not just affecting people ''out there''; it's affecting all of us. Our jobs; our school; our travel; our vacations; our church-it's hard to escape the shadow of the Coronavirus. This past week I told my 15-year-old son, ''You will be telling your grandkids about this.'' It's really that strange.

And because this is such an unusual time, I thought a lot about what I wanted to say to you today. I considered just continuing with our normal series. But over the years I've learned that when there is a major event that rocks people's lives, that's what's on everyone's mind, so it's important for us, as your church, to speak into that situation. So today we need to talk about this.

I believe this is a moment when all of us are faced with some important choices. And the choices that we make will have a major impact on our lives and on the people around us. So today, I want to talk about two big choices that we need to make-one internal choice, and one external choice-and I'm going to anchor each of these with a key Scripture.

So here's the first choice: In the coming days and weeks, Choose Fait ...

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