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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Psalms 121:1-8

Who Ya Gonna Call
Donald Cantrell
Psalms 121: 1-8

Dealing with Covid-19, the fear and the frenzy of the Corona Virus.

Psa 121:1 KJV - [[A Song of degrees.]] I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

Psa 121:2 KJV - My help [cometh] from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.

I – One’s Higher Direction (1)

II – One’s Hailed Designation (2)

III – One’s Honorable Dynamics (3 – 4)

IV – One’s Heightened Dealings (5 – 6)

V – One’s Hearty Dependence (7 – 8)

Theme: “Our hope comes from heaven, not from anything on this earth”

For the first time since the Great Depression, America has been brought to its knees, while the enemy is not dressed in Communist combat gear, the enemy is not from the Middle East, nor is our enemy flying planes overhead and dropping bombs upon our great land. No our enemy is a virus; it is not very tangible, though its results are deadly and dire.

I went into a Wal-Mart today in Dawsonville, Ga. and the toilet paper isle was so bare, that they were painting the shelves. The wet-wipes and every other type of sanitizers had been snatched off the shelves. People were walking around wearing N95 facemask.

We stopped by a Food Lion grocery story in Ellijay, Ga. and nearly every bit of fresh meat was snatched out of the refrigerated containers. Fear has gripped our nation and fanaticism is running rampant.

Sports are an afterthought, due to all professional sports teams being shut down, while colleges and high schools have followed suit. The Idols of sports have fallen; the gods of recreation are rendered as needless.

America and Americans are reeling, tossed to and fro, for the first time in most people’s lives they are at their wits end. America has realized that sports cannot save us; our health is so feeble that a small virus can humble us and send us into mass hysteria, with all of these things in mind:

“Who are you going to call?”
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