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by Christopher Harbin

Scripture: John 3:14-21
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The Great Disinfectant (15 of 52)
Series: Lectionary, Year A
Christopher B. Harbin
John 3:14-21

They tell us sunlight is a great disinfectant. The same ultraviolet light that can damage our skin and lead us down the path of skin cancer can destroy viruses and kill bacteria. We open wide the windows at home periodically to allow the sun to shine in and perform this function of acting as a disinfectant, ridding our houses of harmful bacteria and viruses. We used to hang our clothes in the sun to do more than simply dry the wash. On the other hand, sunlight as a disinfectant also carries another meaning for us. It means that transparency, openness, and truthfulness helps keep us on course. This kind of sunlight clears the air, dispelling confusion and helping us do better. How much of a role do we allow this kind of sunlight to have in our lives?

Nicodemus came to Jesus under the cover of night. That is no insignificant fact. Had it not been meaningful, John would never have included that bit of data. As it is, John starts the chapter by telling us this leader among the Jewish people came to see Jesus in secret. He was afraid to come to Jesus. Well, he was not so much afraid of what Jesus would do or what Jesus would say. Rather, he was very much afraid of what others would think and do in response to his seeking audience with Jesus.

His words to Jesus are of great interest and import, especially considering he felt it necessary to come under the cover of darkness. ''We know you are a teacher who has come from God'' was not in keeping with the official and public voice of the establishment. They were not owning up to any such recognition of Jesus. Nicodemus knew Jesus was something special. He knew that others saw evidence of the same, even if they attempted to downplay it. While he wanted to validate such an understanding, he was unsure about letting it out that he recognized God's activity in Jesus' teaching and actions. It was only under the cloak of ...

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