Scripture: ACTS 9:1-19
This content is part of a series.
When Being Right Is Not Enough (15 of 20)
E. Andrew McQuitty
Acts 9:1-19
Paul was a great man and I have no doubt that on the way to Damascus he rode a very high horse. But a few seconds sufficed to alter the man. How soon God brought him down (Charles Spurgeon).
And I answered, 'Who art Thou, Lord?' And He said to me, 'I am Jesus the Nazarene, whom you are persecuting.'. . . And I said, 'What shall I do, Lord?' (Saul, Acts 22.8, 10).
Introduction: When being right is not enough. . .
Sometimes being right is not enough: Lance Murdock
Lance Murdock is a guy who's always done things right. In high school, he was the captain of his football and baseball teams. He was class president, a member of the Honor Society, and a perpetual Optimist Boy of the Month. He later attended Duke University on a football scholarship and married the campus beauty queen. Next he moved to Chicago to become a treasury note trader at the Chicago Board of Trade. In his first month, he cleared $8,000 and in three years' time was making a seven figure income. Lance Murdock had approached life carefully, worked hard, and become a raging success--all because he'd done things right.
But sometimes being right is not enough. Lance Murdock was shocked one day to discover that his wife was having an affair. He'd been working so many hours that he hadn't even noticed that anything was wrong. In anger and rejection, he took expensive trips with other women and became the master of chronic lying. He would later say, I ran our marriage right into the ground. I didn't even care. He did care, however, when in November of 1980 disaster struck and he lost $1.3 million in one week. He writes, I was going through a divorce, I had a negative net worth. I didn't know if I was coming or going. I had no social value. I just kept thinking that I wasn't worth a nickel. Lance Murdock had done things right, but sometimes right is simply not enough.
Paul: A man who was r ...
E. Andrew McQuitty
Acts 9:1-19
Paul was a great man and I have no doubt that on the way to Damascus he rode a very high horse. But a few seconds sufficed to alter the man. How soon God brought him down (Charles Spurgeon).
And I answered, 'Who art Thou, Lord?' And He said to me, 'I am Jesus the Nazarene, whom you are persecuting.'. . . And I said, 'What shall I do, Lord?' (Saul, Acts 22.8, 10).
Introduction: When being right is not enough. . .
Sometimes being right is not enough: Lance Murdock
Lance Murdock is a guy who's always done things right. In high school, he was the captain of his football and baseball teams. He was class president, a member of the Honor Society, and a perpetual Optimist Boy of the Month. He later attended Duke University on a football scholarship and married the campus beauty queen. Next he moved to Chicago to become a treasury note trader at the Chicago Board of Trade. In his first month, he cleared $8,000 and in three years' time was making a seven figure income. Lance Murdock had approached life carefully, worked hard, and become a raging success--all because he'd done things right.
But sometimes being right is not enough. Lance Murdock was shocked one day to discover that his wife was having an affair. He'd been working so many hours that he hadn't even noticed that anything was wrong. In anger and rejection, he took expensive trips with other women and became the master of chronic lying. He would later say, I ran our marriage right into the ground. I didn't even care. He did care, however, when in November of 1980 disaster struck and he lost $1.3 million in one week. He writes, I was going through a divorce, I had a negative net worth. I didn't know if I was coming or going. I had no social value. I just kept thinking that I wasn't worth a nickel. Lance Murdock had done things right, but sometimes right is simply not enough.
Paul: A man who was r ...
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